Zitat: »Look on the bright side is suicide«
Originaler Autor: Kurt Cobain
Originaler Autor: Kurt Cobain
Falsche Zitate:
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Werbespruch für Schokoriegel (Rating: 2)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - John of Us (Rating: 1)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Lil Peep (Rating: 1)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Hubert Aiwanger (Rating: 1)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Mohammed (religionsstiftender Prophet) (Rating: 1)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Ein Psychotherapeut (Rating: 0)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Hertha (Rating: 0)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Anakin Skywalker (Rating: 0)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Ludwig XIV. (Rating: 0)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Hartmut Mehdorn (Rating: 0)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Die CDU zum Klimawandel (Rating: 0)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Batman zu Robin (Rating: 0)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Adolf Hitler nach der Schlacht von Stalingrad (Rating: 0)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Schlager von Jürgen Marcus (Rating: 0)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin (Rating: 0)
- »Look on the bright side is suicide« - Kapitän Ahaab (Rating: -3)
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