Zitat: »Two cups of tea One for you and one for me Drown out the pan from polluted acid rain And flaming gasoline, until we're clean«
Originaler Autor: Star Fucking Hipsters
Originaler Autor: Star Fucking Hipsters
- »Two cups of tea One for you and one for me Drown out the pan from polluted acid rain And flaming gasoline, until we're clean« - Die Waschmaschine (Rating: 3)
- »Two cups of tea One for you and one for me Drown out the pan from polluted acid rain And flaming gasoline, until we're clean« - Senku Ishigami (Rating: 0)
- »Two cups of tea One for you and one for me Drown out the pan from polluted acid rain And flaming gasoline, until we're clean« - Euripides (Rating: 0)
- »Two cups of tea One for you and one for me Drown out the pan from polluted acid rain And flaming gasoline, until we're clean« - Psycho-Andreas (Rating: -1)
- »Two cups of tea One for you and one for me Drown out the pan from polluted acid rain And flaming gasoline, until we're clean« - David Graeber (Rating: -2)
- »Two cups of tea One for you and one for me Drown out the pan from polluted acid rain And flaming gasoline, until we're clean« - Die Queen (Rating: -3)
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