Zitat: »Separates the men from the boys.«
Originaler Autor: Baldessarini Werbespruch
Originaler Autor: Baldessarini Werbespruch
- »Separates the men from the boys.« - Michael Jackson (Rating: 3)
- »Separates the men from the boys.« - Christian Drosten (Rating: 2)
- »Separates the men from the boys.« - Attila Hildmann (Rating: 2)
- »Separates the men from the boys.« - Brian (Das Leben des Brian) (Rating: 0)
- »Separates the men from the boys.« - Michael Jackson zu den Rolling Stones (Rating: -1)
- »Separates the men from the boys.« - George W. Bush (Rating: -1)
- »Separates the men from the boys.« - V (V wie Vendetta) (Rating: -4)
- »Separates the men from the boys.« - Lew Tolstoi (Rating: -5)
- »Separates the men from the boys.« - Nostradamus (Rating: -5)
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