Zitat: »Don't hate the media, become the media«
Originaler Autor: Indymedia
Originaler Autor: Indymedia
Falsche Zitate:
- »Don't hate the media, become the media« - Lanz (Rating: 0)
- »Don't hate the media, become the media« - Ein Gefängniswärter. (Rating: 0)
- »Don't hate the media, become the media« - Querdenker (Rating: 0)
- »Don't hate the media, become the media« - Michael Jachson (Rating: 0)
- »Don't hate the media, become the media« - Franz Vranitzky (Rating: 0)
- »Don't hate the media, become the media« - Samos (Rating: 0)
- »Don't hate the media, become the media« - ll1k17 (Rating: 0)
- »Don't hate the media, become the media« - Hubertus Heil (Rating: 0)
- »Don't hate the media, become the media« - Der Teufel (Rating: 0)
- »Don't hate the media, become the media« - Ein Bewohner Pompejis 79 n. Chr. (Rating: 0)
- »Don't hate the media, become the media« - Gott (Rating: 0)
- »Don't hate the media, become the media« - Jürgen W. Möllemann (Rating: -1)
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